Day of Major Milestones..
Hi Everyone!!
I just wanted to share my Thursday with you all. It started out by going to the doctor's office and weighting. These days I get all excited and giddy when I go weight. And the nurses stand around waiting to see what the scale says and even cheer when the newest weight is registered.
However, yesterday when I stepped on the scale and looked down, I realized for the first time in probably 13 years, I saw my feet. I didn't just see my stomach. I saw my feet!! I was so excited.
And then, when the scale registered, it said that my grand total of weight loss thus far is 107lbs!! I was in total disblief. Only two weeks ago I was at 88lbs lost. I got off the scale and got back on. And yep, I am down from 385lbs to 278lbs.
Later in the day yesterday, my husband and I went for lunch. I sat down at the table and crossed my legs. It took me a minute to realize what I had done. I think the last time I crossed my legs I was 10.
I never realized small simple things like seeing my feet and crossing my legs, would pratically bring me to tears!!
Happy Friday All,
Karee-I am so proud of you! You are doing so well! I know exactly what you mean about the small things. Remember at the makeover, when I saw the picture Kim took of me? I swear I did not recognize myself and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I am really changing! You are looking so good and COngratulations on being a "Centurion"! I love ya!