Question of the Day

I don't think I will be going to any. I am not going to make Dawn and Omar's this weekend also. Things have really hit rock bottom here, I even stopped decorating the house. I am going to try to start again this weekend when the kids are home. But hey atleast I had weightloss surgery this year and I start school in January again. (now I can fit in the desks)
Good morning, All! Glad you have vacation time coming around the holidays, Amy. I guess we can make it through a while with out a question. I will just write down my answers so I don't forget them and give them to you later.
I am maybe going to one Christmas party. I am hosting one here at the house on Christmas Day. Our daughters invite their friends over for the dinner that afternoon so everyone has somewhere to be for Christmas Day dinner. Our family is not close by so we enjoy filling the house with people.
Talk to all later.

I had an office lunch yesterday and that's the extent of my parties. I didn't go to Dr. Jawad's party because I had nothing fancy to wear and I didn't go to my facility party because I was on call and my phone didn't stop ringing all day and all night, so I just worked. I don't care much for parties anyway, so I'm not unhappy about it at all.
Enjoy your time off the Q of the D, Amy!! I'll miss it, but maybe I'll post a question or two (no promises, though)!

I too had to postpone food of the day, I had finals all this week and then family is in until next week, then christmas, new year, then on Jan 5 & 6 I am getting flown out to hollywood, ca to be on a show for preop gastric bypass patients explaining how they came to their decision and how life has been dealing with obesity...then Jan 7 i get home to go to my preop! Whew...I promise I will post one as soon as I have time to experiment in my kitchen again.
As far as holiday parties go...i already attended 1, and am going to try and squeeze in 3 more...but we'll see!
Have a great break Amy!