Shirley Braun Update
I finally got to speak to Shirley today. It was a short conversation, but I was happy to hear her voice. She had been in CCU since surgery Monday afternoon until yesterday afternoon. I wasnt able to get through to her for a few days, but her husband did leave me a couple voicemails filling me in on her progress. Today, she sounded weak and said she is in a lot of pain, but they do have her sugar under control. She said she was in CCU so long because she kept spiking a fever and they wanted to monitor her closely. She was supposed to be released tomorrow, but her surgeon seems to want to keep her a day or so longer just to make sure she is ready to start her journey outside the hospital. So...please continue to keep her in your thoughts, send her some positive vibes so that maybe she can be released over the next couple days.
Thanks everyone!