Question of the Day
O.K. I say this now, having only visited.
New York City
I moved to Miami from a small city in Southern Ohio...wanting to be in or very near to a BIG city. Some things I like...some grate on my nerves. I am becoming ruder myself. This morning I honked at a person for now moving quick enough once a light changed!!!
If I find NYC too much to handle, I would move back to Columbus, Ohio, big enough city and close to family and friends.
I have always said growing up that I would live in California someday...but since I met and married my hubby, we have discussed moving back to his home in Europe. He's from Bordeaux, France and I we are getting "remarried" there next year (after surgery
) for our "big" wedding--so I guess I'll check it out then. Also, I have a friend that lives in the The Midlands in England and loves it--so it looks like Europe for me!! (after school of