On the loosing side but ????
I just got in about 2pm and it sure feels good to be home. The only thing that I am wondering is about the "pressure" kind of feeling in your tummy? I am having a hard time finding a comfortable position to lie down in because of the pressure. Its funny because I wouldnt describe it as pain just pressure.
Can anyone tell me if they experienced the same thing and how long it took to pass?
I am so excited to see your post...I've been looking for you. I wish I could help you but at your stage I will still in intensive care...I didn't get home until day 12...so I'm not much good at the pressure question.
The HHC Nurses told me that they gave you pain pills for a purpose. Use them! So I did, especially for sleeping at night. So maybe you still need them for daytime. I did for about two weeks after getting home.
I couldn't lay down in the bed for a month or more...the recliner was my pal.
Take it easy and take your time...naps are sure nice...you will be back in the swing of things soon enough.
If there is anything I can do for you, just holler...
Hugs and continued prayers
I just had my surg a little less than 2 weeks ago and don't remember pressure, I had pain, I could feel everything going down and I was swollen. I have had alot of pain on my right side because of an abdominal wall tear they fixed during surgury. And I could actually feel my pouch specially right after eating due to the swelling.
The swelling is already down and if not for the abdominal wall thing I would have no pain. I actually spent most of the day christmas shopping.
The pressure might be gas, walking helps that. I have worn a track from the living room to the kitchen...
Hope all is going great and you feel better soon.