Keep Up the Fight for Success!
I just wanted to stop in and say hello and leave a bit of encouragement... I have been going through the process for approval since 9/20, beginning with a new PCP, who had some real issues. After 1 1/2 weeks, I had to change PCPs, and seemingly begin the process all over again, all the while trying to meet the deadline of BCBS. I have had to jump through hoops, bend over backwards, and produce things from inconspicuous places to make sure that this ball kept rolling. Right now I am in front of the MRB awaiting the final decision.... should know by Friday. Been going back and forth with the ins. co. having to provide more and more info, which had already been submitted to the surgeon's office. It has been very, very difficult getting everyone (ins. office, PCP office and surgeon's office) to stay on the same page and move this thing along..... I must admit, this is NOT for the faint at heart! DON'T GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! It really seems like everyone had a meeting that they intentionally neglect to invite you to, solely for the purpose of devising a plan of utter and total confusion that will seemingly FORCE YOU TO GIVE UP. Don't fall for it. FOLLOW UP ON EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU AND WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN - GET NAMES, TIMES, DATES, CALL REFERENCE #S. They try whirlpooling you between offices and unclear answers, not to mention ****y secretaries that feel like they are playing God and Bank too! (OH, how they feel they are doing YOU the favor by doing their jobs! - SOME of them, not all.)
Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving....!!!!!