Question of the Day

on 11/15/04 7:13 pm - Longwood, FL
Did you ever had a really bad date? or maybe a blind date? Tell us about it.
on 11/15/04 7:14 pm - Longwood, FL
That should be "have" not "had". Sorry, it's early and my eyes and brain arent working yet.
on 11/15/04 9:16 pm - Sunny South, FL
Go****'s been so long since I have dated (except my DH of course) but I did have one bad date in college that almost ended in date rape. It was a horrible experience and one that I didn't hesitate to share with my daughters when they started dating. LuvitsunnyV@goal
on 11/15/04 9:20 pm - Panama City, FL
RNY on 10/12/04 with
Boy! We let you take a day off and you need to be retrained. Well, My first blind date was my first husband. So since we divorced later, does that count also as a BAD date. (WHAT WAS I THINKING). My worst date was a guy I finally said I would go out with from work after my divorce. He picked me up, we went to supper. He started drinking with the salad and proceeded to drink through the meal. When we were finished with the meal and left the restaurant, I was a ready to go home and told him so. He decided I meant I wanted to "take him home with me". As I fought him off at my door, he informed me that I was just trying to play "hard to get" since everyone knew a divorced woman needed to be "taken care of". I gave him an "adjustment in attitude" and sent him away. Needless to say, the next day at work he didn't look well and stayed clear of me from then on. Carol
Wildcat Lady
on 11/15/04 9:31 pm - Jacksonville, FL
I've had a few bad dates, but one that sticks out...I had a blind date with this guy, he decided he was going to bring dinner over to my apt. He showed up, and we started to set the table, even put some food on the plates. He mummbled something about having to get something from his car, I said ok, had my back to him and he dumped the food off the plates, back into the containers and hauled butt. I was in awe. I tried to call him, but he wouldn't answer, a week later he finally emailed me and said that he left because I was the fattest thing he had ever seen, that I was disgusting and made him sick to his stomach. He even used the word morbidly obese (which at that time I never thought I was). I was floored!! Never had that happen before, and never since either. Kim
on 11/15/04 10:45 pm - BOCA RATON, FL
I guess it really was not a date. I was at a fraternity party at college and 3 boys who were considered friends offered to walk me to my car that was parked on the other side of campus. Well they all thought they would have their ways with me but they thought wrong. I fought them off and ran to my car. Needless to say, the next day at school was really awkward for them but not for me because I was the one with morals. That was the worst night for me and luckily that never happened again. Hugs, Christine 307/217/150
on 11/15/04 11:15 pm - Miami Shores, FL
I've never had that bad of a date...never had that many dates. But had some semi decent dates that then of course the guy turned into a hermit never to be heard from again or just turned out to be a loser. So I'll tell you about a really FUN date! The guy was my kindergarten sweetheart. We hadn't seen each other since KD and then ended up working at Taco Bell together...we worked for almost a week before we realized we knew each other. He asked me out and took me to a county dance at like an Elks Lodge...or something. It was so fun, I wasn't concerned with how I looked I just got up and danced. Then we square danced and had no idea what the heck to do but the other couples helped was a good time. Unfortunately, we didn't the same asperations in life....or morals, or work ethic.
on 11/16/04 2:31 am - Tampa, FL
I'm starting to notice a pattern, I think almost all of us have had the "date rape" date or "near date rape" date, as I have too...that's so sad, when will people start growing morals? Anywho...I have had a few bad dates, but one that was bad and yet, not so bad...I got my revenge! LOL I was friends with this guy and we had decided to try dating, we went on a few, and when things started getting good, I put him through the "cute friend test". My step sister, who was also my best friend at the time is this drop dead gorgeous svelte little puerto rican, so I thought "If I introduce this guy to Serena, and he's still interested, then he's a keeper!" Sure enough, he failed. I swear, I was about to hand him a hankie for his drool and spittle that was dripping from his mouth like a leaky faucet! He totally spent the night talking to her and actually turned to me at one point in the evening and asked how I would like to meet his friend Gil because he thought we would really hit it off!! (It's okay though, my sister agreed to go on a few dates with him, get some money, spend it on us, and then dumped him!) It was sweeter than a big 'ol piece of cheesecake! Ironically, 2 weeks later I met my husband and he passed the "cute friend test" with FLYING colors!! -Phoenix
Vivi *.
on 11/16/04 3:29 am - clermont, FL
I have had several "near date rape"! What a pattern! Luckily I can hold my own and kick some major behind if I need to! No one can mess with this red-blooded Brazilian chick! Anyway, my worst blind date was a mistake I will never make again: dating on the net!! I know, I know, no preaching necessary... Anyway, this one guy sent me pictures of himself, but when I met him, that was not him! Besides, he showed up unbathed, ungroomed, and dressed so ugly I didn't know if I was supposed to cry or laugh! But, what made me cut the dinner short, was the extra long goatee, which was about to touch the soup bowl as he corrected my pronunciation!? What is that all about?! For the few of you who have met me, you know that stuff like that does not fly by me! If he is not clean cut, well dressed, and showing good manners, he is not going to be seen with me. After the dinner, I called my best buddy, went to his apartment and had 2 bottles of red wine, trying to forget the whole ordeal! -Flávia
Tina P.
on 11/16/04 6:22 am - St. Petersburg, FL
This brought a smile to my face at the memory.. i was shopping and a guy kept following me and finally asked if i was 'with anyone'. I said yes and left after checking out. Turns out he knew a friend i was in band with who worked there and he got my number from him. Guy calls and I chat awhile, he was sweet. So we agree to a drive in and lo and behold, my cousin and his kids were there a few cars down. He was a complete gentleman and we dated for some time. Not a good kisser but I still hope he found a good lady to be with. Years later cousin said i told him the guy kissed like a fish and howled with laughter at imitating what I did to describe him that evening. ~Tina~
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