*** To good to be true*****
I was just saying to my husband last night that all of this is to good to be true. I had my WLS on Oct. 28th and every thing went super, and I came home on the 30th and have not had one thing go wrong with me or my diet. I have tolarated all phases of my diet and am doing great with no problems and all foods are doing great. Is there some thing wrong with me? I have heard so many things about dumping and all these other problems , but I am going to make sure that I don't eat any thing to cause dumping or to eat to much. I guess I went into it thinking I was going to be throwing up and not able to drink milk or all the other horror stories I have heard and I am feeling so wonderful that I almost feel guilty.My drain came out Wensday and my feeding tube comes out Monday so I feel like I am batting a thousand. Thank you all for letting me bend your ear.
I am about 5 1/2 months out and never had any problems. I dumped a couple of times the first month (eating something I knew that I shouldn't) but now I can eat what ever I want as long as it's in small amounts. I am never in pain and feel better than I've felt in years. I think sometimes people just don't post about their situation when it is going ok.