Candy free??
I dont know if you remember me without a picture (which is coming soon) How's Avenue going? That was a lot of hard work I know. You gave me those 30% off certificates at the meet and greet Sat. (I'm the fat tan blonde haha) My surgery date is Nov 11th. Can't wait..........going crazy!
Anyway, take care talk to you soon, Amy Nolen
I bought two huge bags of candy from Sam' was all gone except for about 12 peices. As I opened the bags to dump them in the basket, I took a deep smell....oh was it was heaven. I sat all night with the basket on my lap in the front yard, I wasn't even tempted to take one. My 2 girls have tons of candy and my son got a everyone else in the family will be hogging out on it for the next few weeks.
It is so great not to be tempted by it...I am finally in control.