Advice: Anyone else have this problem?
I am to the point that the incision pain is minimal. Uncomfortable, yes, but very tolerable. The real problem I am having is my stomach.
I cannot handle eating anything unless I have pain meds in me. My stomach gets gassy very easily, so introducing liquids or anything else only makes the bloat worse and really starts to ache. Not only that, I still don't have an appetite (or at least hardly at all).
I am trying to make protein my #1 priority, so if it means taking all day to get a protein shake down, I will do it. Unfortunately it didn't happen today.
Has anyone gone through this before?
I have a follow up on Wednesday luckily.
I do take Gas-X and Phazyme and neither works well. Tylenol seems to help a bit though.
Hopefully they don't think I am crazy and have a good answer for me.
I try like hell to get food in me because of the need for nutrition, so believe me, that's at the forefront of my mind.
I ma about 2 1/2 months out. I still have to remind myself to eat and drink. I still go most days without getting hungry. A lot of days I still do have eating problems. Some days I can eat dairy others it comes right back up. I still cannot complain. I have lost 63 pounds and have not had any insulin in over 3 weeks. I used to have to take 300-400 units a day. I look at these problems as minor pains but the outcome is well worth it. Hang in there life only gets better.
I still have days when two bites or 2 sips of protein is too much. I get bloated, a knot in the chest and just do not feel well. At that point, I go back to jus****er. Jose told me as long as I could swallow my saliva, the pouch was OK. Through the weeks, I have found some things that trigger the pain and just do not eat or drink those.
When you go in for your checkup, I am sure you will get helpful information.
I've only had real bad gas problems twice. Once in the hospital at 3 days P-O and the second time when I started my period. Dr. Nelson told me to take Mylanta and double my water intake when I get gas.
As far as no appetite, I am going on 13 weeks out. And I hardly ever have an appetite. I mean there are days that I am doing stuff around the house and I'll glance at the clock. The I realized it's 2pm and I hadn't eaten all day. And then there are days I am perfect with my eating schedule, however one or two bites fill me completely up.
Make sure you make a list of questions for Jose and take them with you to your appointment on Wednesdat. That's what I did and he took the time to answer every last one and went into great detail with the answers.
Take Care,