Got any spare prayers?
My mom called me today and told me that my Grandpa passed out in his kitchen this morning. He is 83 and not in the best of health. He lives in Michigan, but he comes down every winter. He was planning on coming down on Nov 5th, but my mom is flying up there in the morning to bring him back here. He does not need to be on the road alone and he WILL NOT fly. So if you happen to be praying, could you spare one for my Grandpa?
Oh, and he does not need to go to the Dr. because he knows what caused it. He passed out because he has not taken a "healthy crap" in a couple days. That is his answer for everything. If you get a zit or a sniffle or a splinter, it is because you have not "crapped" lately. Gotta love him!
And since i am taking my mom to the airport in Ft. Luderdale in the morning, I will not be able to make it to the meet and greet. See ya next time though.