I have all the luck!
This is a "bit" funny now. Yesterday I decided to take the plunge and go into the pool. Well my daughter's family were having a good ole time. Me doing my water walking. Hey did about 1 1/2 hours over all. Well I decided I had had enough. I started to get out when low and behold swimming above the steps in the water was a snake, small but still a snake. If I had wings, I would have flew out of the dang pool. This property is on a lake, so guess snakes are all around. One thing for sure, the pool is not large enough for both of us.
We looked the snake up, not poisonous! It was a ring head. Never heard of them and do not care to meet another.
Up until that point, the pool walking was great.
Our pool is caged and one morining I found a big black snake taking a swim! I almost died. It seems like it takes forever to get out of the pool. My husband came out to see what the problem was...and turned around and went right back in...what-ya-want-me-to-do-with-it! We had to call a neighbor who got the net and pulled it out! YUCK! Now I look before I leep!
You would have to mention snakes lol.....well lets just say i had a visitor in the house the other day. I had went to do laundry in the garage came back in to sit down.....there it was slithering across the floor, fast little sucker too. It curled up under the dining room table and i couldn't get it out, i didn't want to leave its sight thinking it would be loose in the house. I was gonna call a neighbor but decided to be brave haha. I finally got it out of the house, i don't mind snakes outside but not inside lol i also hate spiders. Does anyone know what kind of snake it was......black with yellow and red rings around its head. It was only a baby about the size of a pencil. Tammy