Hey Lori..
Just got back from Tampa. I saw Susan and Lori.
Susan told us no one was working tomorrow. When I left it was nearly a ghost town...the hospital however was able to operate having enough fuel to get them through 3-4 days without electric. I am not sure Susan will get your voicemail if the electric is shut off in the morning on the island as planned.
If they live close by the hospital, I hope they evacuted by now.Not a place you want to be tomorrow...they cleared out the bottom 3 floors of rooms, moved everyone up and discharged all who could be....not a good feeling, you get sent home with incisions and you have no place to go...scary.
I will tell you what I did with thrush and its worked for me...I got it fom taking antibiotics I was allergic to. I was in Santo Domingo the first time and the pharmacist told me to use Maalox and rinse out my mouth.
Next time I was on my way to Mexico when it popped out and again on antibotics (always when I go out of country to work I take them) There the doctor told me Mylanta and just swish around like mothwash and it really soothes the furry tongue.
Feel Better Karee!