Hey everybody,
Dr. Jawad's office called and offered to move my surgery up to Monday morning! Of course I said yes. I am so excited! I have to be there at 6:00 a.m. and my surgery is at 8:00. I am sooo ready. I probably won't sleep all weekend. At least I had a nice lunch with Jan today cause I probably won't be able to eat my one last meal anyway. Ronnie, my husband, doesn't even know yet. He will be okay with it, he's not the excitible type. Thanks for all the support, info and encouragement.
That is awesome, I think riding out those last few days was the worst for me, so this is a good thing. I know Jan will keep us posted on your progress. We'll be thinking of you on Monday.
What Joy didn't tell you was that she offered to have that nice lunch pumped out of her stomach if they wanted to do the surgery today!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm so excited for you, Joy!! You're going to be an ace patient!!
Well, I'm probably going to be a lousy patient but I'll try to behave. I can't however be held responsible for anything I say while under the influence of narcotics.
Thanks Jan.