what did everyone do today?
hay guys..the board has again become slow... so.. i was wondering what everyone did today.. well... i woke up early to t ake my neighbors dog out... then i went back to sleep... then at about 3 i took him out agian.., did he whole mail thing since they are away on vacation... but one good thing... i fuound out the air and sea show is still on... woo hooo...
WOW! I am glad to be home. My husband and I went to Daytona Beach for a couple days. We are looking to move but just can't seem to find what we want for what we can afford. We have two teen daughters in college so I guess we will not move now until January as we don't want to try to transfer them quickly. Sooooooo.........I am glad to be back in my place. We drove all day. Now I need to concentrate on getting a surgeon. I don't care where he is as long as he takes my insurance and doesn't hit me for lots of up front. Looks like I may be calling the Wish Center Monday. Can't wait to get this all done. Congrats for all the ones who got dates this last week. Carol
My dogs got me up extra early today. I stayed up and was going to go into work early and then try to leave early. On the way to work, I decided to go to Target and do some shopping. I found a shirt and a jacket on clearance, only paid $9 for both...gotta love a bargain! Made it to work on time and worked until 630pm (didnt leave early, actually stayed late LOL) and now here I am. Nothing terribly exciting