Getting Closer, Saw Surgeon!!!
Well I went Wednesday to see Dr. Fitzgerald (surgeon). Very, Very nice guy. Down to earth, loved to talk, liking his job kind of guy!! He said everything is good to go, looking to get a date set hopefully by the end of next week, his office should be getting approval from insurance by then. Now our program here is different, once insurance approves then you go to the pulmonary and cardiologist, and have labs done. So he referred me to see them. pulm. Thinks I should have no problem getting cleared. I will set the appt up today, He said to aim for next week. We get priority appts in these Dr.'s offices, isn't that nice?! They are going to call to set up the pre-op labs once we get a date.
I kinda of think this is going so smoothly due to the fact I am an employee at the hospital where this program is. All the doctors that are involved, practice there. Well its about time I get a perk from work, LOL!
~* Susan *~