Question of the Day
What is your pet peeve? What just drives you nuts, gets under your skin, makes you blow your top?????????
For me, it is people who are chronically late. This probably bugs me because I am notorious for being early. I have learned to tell my sister to be somewhere 30 min before the "real" start time, in hopes that she will make it there on time LOL.
People are going to hate me, but it's bad spelling and even worse, bad grammar!!
I know it's really horrible to say such things on a message board and I know not everyone is perfect like me (BIG joke there!!!!!) but it's really hard to even understand some of the posts I read when there's NO punctuation of any kind and phrases run into each other and even 3 letter words aren't spelled right. Everyone makes typos, but I'm talking about the nearly completely illiterate posts.
Running very fast.....
Pre-Op Jan
I have so is hard to say. In men it is those who wear there pants below there waist they really think that is a turn on? It is so stupid. {I bet Marla knows what I am refferring to LOL}
One in general though would be someone that is not paying attention to there driving!! Diving while talking on cell phones..