Looking for doctor to accept insurance
Hi Latosha,
Welcome to the board.Their are a few of us on the board that have Medipass/Medicaid. The only doctor in FL that currently accepts Medipass is Dr. Cox in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It is quite a distance from Jacksonville, but well worth the trip. Medipass covers everything, but the Psych eval ($250-$400) and the nutritionist ($50 bucks). Dr. Cox is a great surgeon. I am pre-op and just submitted my paperwork to Medipass last week, waiting for an
God Bless with everything~
Yes, Dr. Cox is the only surgeon that accepts medicaid BUT, he only does open. I have medicaid & am going thru Dr. Perry in Vero Beach. I have to pay his fee 5,900. The assistant fee of 800 (for lap or 500 for open) & 600 fee for thr program. I only wanted to do mine lap & figured that the extra cost would be worth it to me. Good Luck!!