Insurance Legislation?
I sent an email to a Ken Gottlieb, a State Rep that I know personally, to ask him if he knew anything about it. As soon as I get a reply, I will let you all know.
I tend to believe what I heard was false. Florida's Legislature has a large Republican majority and I doubt VERY much that Republicans would do anything to force insurance companies to pay more.
But, who knows?
Hope to hear something soon.
I sat in on both the Governor's Task Force on Affordable Insurance and the House Subcommitte on Affordable Health Insurance during the last legislative session (2004-05). While I did not attend every meeting, and I'm sure my knowledge is full of holes, I can say that the words I heard over and over again are: People have to be accountable for their state of health. Insurance companies should not have to pay for people that choose unhealthy life styles. The House of Representatives hammered on obesity and tobacco as two major costs of health care. Of course, they can say that since they don't have to pay one penny for their health care - we pay it for them!
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