Another Central FL Meet and Greet???
Another meet and greet!
Well I think that Altamonte was just fine but we can also put our heads together to think of a different place. Sounds like Homework assignment to me!
I don't mind traveling at all actually I like traveling.
Maybe we should try sundays if it doesn't interupt too much maybe that will be more convenient for some. I have no problems with saturday or any day for that matter. any time is ok with me.
Every 2 months is nice
Count me in for whatever the majority decides, I absolutely believe it is important to have a place to meet and greet eachother and share experiences, milestones and give eachother that extra support and pat on the back we need!
Of course we want to meet again!
I think every 2 months is good.
I know there is someone in Orlando that offered the rec room at their condos. That would be good also.
Lakeland would also be a good place or Tampa. Perhaps not having in same town would give those that traveled a break.
The mall was great location. Perhaps seating in a square would allow all to see and chat a bit better.
I think we should plan for a weekend thing next year as our
first annual meeting. Location could be at a resort or beach or ??????
As weather permits, winter, outside park would be great also.
Some restaurants have party/meeting rooms we might use.
We might hook up with other groups that have monthly meetings. I know there is one in Orlando.
Ok road trip!