More Food....AAACCKKK!
Hey Gang!
I would like to hear your plans for winning the craving war. I've been so good - until this last week or so. I've been craving all the wrong foods again - CARBS!!! I have slacked a bit on the exercise - so I got right after myself for that - but the food cravings continue. I'm eating about 6 to 7 ounces at a time and still stick to protein and veggies for the main part with a few bites of starches.
But I notice that I want chips, deserts (which I DON'T eat except on rare occasion), diet coke (again only RARE occasion), SF ice cream, and all the other stuff that got me here in the first place!
How are you all coping? I want to nip this in the bud and am looking for ideas. Let's hear them! Thanks y'all!
hay... if yuor kinda wanting something crunchy... you canmake "cheese chips" get some of teh cubes they sell at publix of whereever you shop... and put them into the microwave still they are crunchy...dont forget you can have SF pudding... try freezing it.. and then you got mabye something dr told me i can have diet coke as long as it is flat... but what is the good of that? i dunno... i used ot be on this med. that i couldnt have carbinated drinks... cause it made my tounge burn liek ****so... i had to come off the med cause i was freakin cause i didnt have no bubbles....
ohhh try them soy chips... i dunno can you have them?
Have you tried doing protein shakes with peanut butter and banana and yogurt? I am not post-op, but it helps me when the craving****Also freeze bits of fruit is good, if you can eat fruit. I find the more protein I get in a meal, the less I want to snack. Also take a walk, call a friend, read a book, visit a friend...go to a little league game...and remember, that is head can beat it!
Hello! I have a recipe for chocolate mousse from the Suzanne Sommers diet I did once if you might be interested? It's basically carb free. If you can handle nutra-sweet (and the like) tasting foods, you might find this helps. It's not hard to make, just takes the mixer awhile to get it to a mousse consistency.......just let me know