Per requested Re-post on Voc Rehab
I had some e-mails asking me to re-post this so here it is.
Here is the number for Vocational Rehab. Along with the purpose & Eligibility straight from the handbook of services. Hope this can help out. Dr. Haicken accepts Vocational Rehab funding. They paid for mine 100%. There is hope for you. Never give up. 1-866-515-3692 for an office near you. PURPOSE OF VOCATIONAL REHAB. VRS provides services for eligible persons with PHYSICAL or mental IMPAIRMENTS. These services are designed to enable you to prepare for,to get,to keep, or to regain employment.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligibility for Voc Rehab Services; as determined below, is based upon the presence of a physical or mental impairment and a goal of employment.
A. The physical or mental impairment constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment.
B. The individual's employment outcome can benefit from Voc Rehab Services.
C. The individual requires Voc Rehab Services to prepare for, to get, to keep, or to regain employment.