Should I keep trying?

on 5/26/04 11:32 am - Tampa, FL
Well first a little back ground on me. I'm 44 years old. I've had 5 children two of which are twins. I am now bigger then I was when I was full term with them. They weighed 6lbs 7oz and 7lbs 7oz at birth. I'm at 315 lbs now. I am not currently on meds for anything other then a slow thyroid. My BP is a little high and so is my cholesterol. My PCP wants me to come in to try and address the new blood work that game in still on the high side. She may put me on meds I'm not sure until I go in. When I went in to talk to her about WLS she informed me that my Ins Co. doesn't cover it. She had a few patience with AVMED get turned down for WLS and they had major medical problems much worse then mine. So I've kinda put off doing much about the surgery right now. I tried to diet again but couldn't make it more than a day. I've just tried and failed too many times I'm too discouraged. I was thinking of switching Insurance Companies in Dec. when open enrollment happens at work. I know one of the Insurances they offer at work does cover WLS. But unless they put me on meds for health problems I'm not sure if they will approve me or not. And I know if I don't have the surgery or loose the weight that eventually I will have to be on ALL the meds. Maybe not this year but next year especially if I can't control my eating. So should I try and do all the preop stuff between now and Dec with this insurance company and then have everything done for next year? In case they would approve me? I am so miserable. I hate the way I look and feel. I hate I can't do so many different things. And people have no idea how I feel. I don't complain to many. Most don't care and can't understand anyways. So complaining doesn't do any good. But certain things are getting worse. The rashes from skin touching skin etc.... I live in FL and we know how much hot weather we have and how much sweating is done down here no matter if your just walking to the car or working in the yard. My arthritis hurts but I'm not on meds for that either other than a Ibuprofen now and then. I am at a lost as to what to do. I am thankfull that I don't have more health problems but it doesn't stop me from suffering from emotional stress from having to deal with things most "Normal" if there is such a word have no idea about or can conceive of. Anyways the PITTY party for myself is over. But I would like to know your thoughts about what you would do. Thanks for reading.
sherri parker
on 5/26/04 2:22 pm - port richey, FL
I would do whatever it takes to get the wls. If all else fails there is Vocational Rehab. They covered mine 100% and I have sucky insurance. At this point you don't know what is wrong with you. Do you have Sleep Apnea? Read my profile.
on 5/26/04 9:31 pm - Tampa, FL
I read your story. And you have gone thru a lot. I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end. I hope things keep going well for you. I don't know if I have sleep Apnea or not. I haven't been tested. It's a requirement to have the surgery here in Tampa but I haven't done any of the tests yet. I guess if I had more wrong with me I might think I need to fight more. I guess I don't care enough about me. I know if it was one of my children I'd do more. I know someone else who had surgery with Dr. Haickman. She is doing well also. She has United Health care at work. That's what I'm waiting for Dec for so I can change to them. I have read people's profiles talk about they would rather die then continue being obese. I can't say that. I'd rather have 20-30 more years with my children being OBESE then to die today. I can handle suffering with this if it gives me that time with them. I may not be a fun mom to be around but I am around. I don't know I'll have to wait and see. I've scheduled to go to the Wish Center next Wed. for their Orientation with my husband. I'll see what happens then. I'm also going to another orientation at TGH in June for Dr. Murr. I'm already on Information over load. Thanks for answering.
on 6/9/04 12:02 am - Palm Harbor, FL
PLEASE don't rely on United Health care for your WLS! I had the very best plan UHC offers and was denied through 2 appeals. Also, they have sent notification that they will NOT cover WLS under any of their plans after 1/1/05. Start researching now for another insurer. Good luck to you.
on 5/27/04 2:35 am - Palm Harbor, FL
I'd get all the testing done NOW because it's going to take a long time after you switch insurance to get it done and a lot of the insurance companies are not going to cover WLS after Jan 05. So the insurance you are switching to might be one of them! If you can get most of the testing done now, then when you switch, you can turn them all in and may get approved right away BEFORE Dec.31st. Most of the test are good for a year. I didn't think I had many of the symptons of sleep apena or gerd, but test proved I had both.
on 5/27/04 3:37 am - PLANT CITY, FL
Jennifer, Come on, wake up ! You said you would fight for your children if it was one of them. Hello.... you are their Mother, who would they turn to if you are gone? You would be doing it for your children as will as for yourself. Your babies need their Mommy. Get as much done as you can now and keep trying you never know. It could be just a matter of time before you find out you have high bloodpressure, reflux, sleep apnea, and of course the weight wears away the knee joints. You could end up like me in a wheelchair. I am trying to get the surgery for my grandchildren besides myself. I want to see them grow up and go to school and get married. I am only 52 years old so I could do all that if I could have the WLS. I hope you understand we are all here for the same reason and care about each other. Do not ever feel that no one cares, we all do. Feel free to email me if you ever want to vent or talk. I weigh more thatn you do, so I understand. I will keep you in my prayers. IMP gail
on 5/27/04 6:27 am - weston, FL
never give up and always be brave
on 5/27/04 10:27 am - Longwood, FL
Why wait until December to switch insurance companies? There are several insurance companies who are not going to approve WLS after this year, what if one of those companies is your other option you can change to at enrollment time? Plus, others change their requirements for surgery, such as start requiring the medically supervised diet for six months or a longer diet history, etc. My suggestion would be to contact Avmed yourself and ask them what is necessary to qualify for WLS, then start now. Is your PCP supporting your decision or did they tell you it is hard to get approval to try to get you to change your mind? Your BMI is high enough, you have arthritis (isn't that documented with your doctor?), you may be pre-diabetic, have sleep apnea, etc. It isnt an easy process, but waiting might not make things better. Being armed with knowledge and getting some of the necessary testing out of the way, will just make it easier down the road. Good luck!
on 5/27/04 11:45 am - Tampa, FL
Thanks everyone for posting your opinion. I can't change insurance companies until open enrollment in January. It is possible that they won't cover it but before I change I'll make sure I find out which ones will and won't cover it. I can't afford to pay for it any other way so I'll just have to see what they say. I am going to an orientation for WLS next Wed so I'll find out more then. I also have a follow up appointment on Wed also with my PCP to talk about my test results that came back too high. Again we'll see what she wants to do. She did think the surgery works. And it is an option. She couldn't give me anything else to try that I haven't already tried and failed at. She said that maybe if I made a big pest of myself to the Insurance Co that they might approve me like one of her other patience's did. I just don't know if I can say "I'd rather die then to stay obese". I'm very afraid of dieing with this surgery. I know that we all have to go some time and even if I didn't have the surgery if I'm meant to die tomorrow I will and I can't do anything to stop it. I was even lucky enough to not have to have a C-section with any of my kids even the twins. I was scheduled for one but went into labor 5 days before and the Dr. after delivering the first one knew how much I didn't want a C-section so he just reached in and grabbed the second one by his feet and pulled him out feet first. Everyone in the delivery room was so amazed he did that. Everyone was ready to put me under to take the 2nd C-section but he shook his head no and was able to pull him out. I have always been very greatful to him for taking that change for me. I do know that if the second one was at risk he would have done the c-section. I'm just glad he wasn't scalple happy ya know? Yes I do have arthritis and it is documented at my PCP and next week I am going to ask for something to help with the pain. I even have pictures of arthritis in one of my knees because I had surgery in February to repair a torn Miniscus in my left knee. Well thanks again I hope I answered everyone question they had. And yes I probably will try and have as many of the tests done as I can get my PCP to authorize. Jennifer =)
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