Dr. Cox 5/27/04? Time?
thank you for the info, i got it. i was wondering if johanna was going on the 26th or 27th. i can't wait to meet you all. i haven't even gotten a packet. dr. cox wife sent me am email saying i will get my packet thursday, but i was going to go to the one on the 26th but now it will be the 27th, lol. thank you
ok now i am nervous, my hubby called his dad about getting the quickest directions and he told dh that the traffic being bumper to bumper. he also said that people were getting pulled out of there cars and stuff. my brother in law just spent 2 weeks down there. when are you all going, maybe we could car pool. i need to go but that is a really long way. i was aslo wondering about dr. tenewitz in orlando. if he took my insurance. but i'm not sure. let me know, thanks
Hi ladies,
Yes, I wasn't like formerly invited to the meeting as far as having an appt. and all but I am going anyways being that I already have my packet filled out and I have my referral and note of medical necesity I also had my bloodwork done. I just need my diet history signed by my former Dr. I hope I am welcomed.
Oh and ladies I need a little booster of encouragement I'm a little, no alot on the sad side. Can I get the e-mail for Carey or Dr. Cox's wife please.
hey, i just got online and saw your post. as far as i know you don't have to be invited, just show up it is for everyone. but i'm not going to the one in ft. lauderdale. i don't have the money for it, so i went to the one in okeechobee. with gas prices it is rediculous. it is $1.99 a gallon here. and i didn't have the money to stay over right now. but i did get a packet of info from the one in okeechobee. i will send you the emaill address by email ok. you will be welcomed, if i was there i would welcome you , anytime. angie