1st Annual WLS Family Reunion Pensacola Beach July 17-18 2004
This is going to be our first annual WLS Reunion for the Southeastern US.
For more info visit http://www.wlsamerica.com/familyreunion.htm
Tentative Schedule:
Tentative agenda:
Friday January 16th:
Evening meet and greet. Working on a location.
finger foods and stuff.
Saturday July 17th:
Gulf Islands National Seahore/ Pensacola Beach just some fun in the sun and a small potluck lunch that we are working with the local wls'ers here to provide food. Will also bbq burgers, chicken and hot dogs. Saturday Evening: yet to be decided.
Will be close to Ft. Pickens (historic landmark) Open for tours and such.
Tentative Parasailing $$$$ TBA
Sunday July 18th:
Morning breakfast at Barnhill's on Mobile Highway.
Sunday after breakfast : departure
This is the tentative plan for everything. I will update as soon as I can...need info for hotel guy though! Also need a list. Please email me if you are a YES! so I can start a list!
[email protected]
Pricing is up to you, the individual. I have arranged a hotel, but you need to call and make your reservations. The only other thing as of now that is costing is the parasailing which will depend on the amount of people doing it. About $50 per person it looks like.
Im going to try to get the locals here to donate food and stuff for the picnic. (Unless we get a LOT people coming) As of now I have 10 confirmed folks but that is before I started really advertising it. Pricing may become something if I am needed to develop a more firm itenerary but we shall see.