My PCP did not HESITATE a second!!!
I had my very first appointment with my PCP and this is the first time I've expressed outloud that I'm interested in pursuing WLS. I was nervous and could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I must tell you that I was just THRILLED that my blood pressure was 145/90!! Nothing like a little high blood pressure to get a doctor's attention.
Anyway, I showed her pictures of me fat and pictures of me after other attempts at diets and she could see what I look like now. Then I told her that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and over and expect different results. She agreed. AND.....she asked me about my choice of surgeons and when I told her Dr. Jawad, she said that's EXACTLY who is the best!!
My doctor was also grateful that I had a letter of request all ready for her in writing and on floppy and immediately called my insurance to start the referral process!!! journey has officially begun. Wish me luck, keep your fingers crossed and pray!!!
Congratulations. Be grateful for a supportive PCP. I had a positive reaction from my PCP but the greatest encouragement came from the cardiologist that I had my pre-surgery exam with. I go back to her in July for another treadmill and echocardiogram and I am sure I will be at goal. Can't wait to see her reaction.
Again, so many people have a negative experience with thier PCP -- I pray all your preparation is as positive. luvitsunny