No support
ok .. so .. if educational brochures won't help .. how 'bout asking them to attend an information session or support group? tell them you respect their opinions, as long as they are INFORMED and EDUCATED opinions ... if they still have reservations after they've been informed and educated .. then there's nothing anyone can say or do to change their minds
good luck to you .. and just remember .. this is YOUR decision and YOUR life
My friend had Dr Renhke and is doing great.
If you don't have anyone in St Pete to support or visit you during your hospitalization, let me know as I live in St Pete, ok?!
Also.. the previous reply about accepting their opinion if it is an informed and educated one, is what I think also.
~ Tina ~
There are several good replys here. I just want to let you know I am also behind you. You are the one that has to live with what you decide on. Do not let them get you down. Let the wonderful people here help support you.
Remember you can not argue with people that are ignorant of what they speak. Keep your head high and smile. You are doing the right thing for yourself.
God Bless,

My father called today and apparently, my cousin whose already had a gastric bypass is doing quite well now and stopped by my parent's home and boasted about how wonderful he's doing and that he had absolutely no complications. That was enough to have them change their attitude about the surgery and now they both told me I have their full support. Thank you all, again.