I'm depressed, gave letter to PCP
Well, yesterday (05/06) I went to have my blood sugar tested. Bad news, I'm now diabetic. I'm still on the ADA diet, which is a good thing. Sugar was 146, not good. Had a sonogram on 05/05 for my liver, don't know the results of that yet. Had blood work on 05/04 to rule out hepitis A, B and C. Don't know the results of that either. Dr. Thoburns office faxed me a sample letter and Shirley told me to compose it and get my PCP to sign it, once signed fax it back to her and then (and only then) they will set up an appointment with me. I called the PCP yesterday and he had not read my letter yet. I'm to call back this morning to see if he did and if he did I can pick it up then. I'm so anxious. My PA said I now need to see a cardiologist, the diabetius on top of my high cholesterol she is concerned. What next. I dug out all my notes from my wieght loss and did a chart on excel. Dating back to 1989 the type of diet, weight starting, weight ending, diet starting, diet ending. I gave this to my PCP along with my letter. I hope this helps. Gosh I'm so anxious. Words of encourgement is what I need. And a few prayers would help too. I am not a depressed type person but if my PCP does not sign this letter I'm afraid I will be in a downward spiril of depression.
Well, that's all... I'm gonna think positive and put this in God's hands.
Hi Michelle:
This was my follow up apt with my PCP. I took the letter the week before and left it for the doctor to read and hopefully sign. Well, low and behold he had not even looked at it. No suprise to me that's why I made an appt. for Monday. I figured I could corner him and get him to sign it right then and there. No such luck. So I'm gonna call his office tomorrow and ask if he has the new letter (the one he want's to write) done and if I can pick it up. Hopefully he won't get upset with me calling. But I don't know what else to do. So cross your fingers for me that he gets it done either this week or next as I can't even have my appt. with the surgen until they get a letter from my PCP.