Need a PCP, Any Suggestion?
I need a PCP that knows about WLS preferible in the Ocala or surrounding areas. That can give me a letter of risk assessment. I already have a letter from my former PCP of medical necesity. I've always had your wonderful support and knowledgeable feedback. Thank You all anticipated.
Very much appreciated.
Always Johanna
Johanna, I work in healthcare here, so I literally know ALL of the internal medicine and family practice physicians here, as well as a TON of the specialists. Maybe if you could tell me what you want in a physician, or do you want male vs. female it might help, plus what is your insurance? You'd need to know if the doctor can accept it or not. Maybe we could take this off the board and email back and forth.
Johanna, I did a little research for you today and found some doctors that accept your insurance, but of course I'm not sure what they think of WLS, except for Dr. Graves, who I know is WLS-friendly. Anyway, you can try:
Dr. Hareth Sheth - (352) 237-6122
Dr. N. Madhu - (352) 369-9111
Dr. G. Graves - (352) 236-2525 (He IS WLS-friendly, located in Ft. McCoy)
Hope that helps you!!