Houston .. We have a problem.....
Hey Everyone.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone on this site who has helped me and answered my questions.I have learned so much and decided to go on as planned..until today
But I am not upset or angry. I am actually........... shocked.2 years ago it was explained to me that having PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) meant that I was extremely infertile and it would be a rare 5% chance for me to ever have another baby being this heavy.Along with all of the side effects and such.....Well long story short I woke up this morning feeling not right.Something told me to take a pee pee test..so I dug them out of the cabinet ( 2 years of dust I remind you ) and that little stick changed IMMEDIATLEY. So I took the next one.. and the another...
I am scared and excited and disappointed alittle about WLS..but I realized that God is telling me that my time is not right now.I accept that.I am really just confused ! There is so much going thru my head right now and I need to figure it out.SO if my plans have to be put on hold for a little while... I will just be patient.I have been fat for years..what's another 9 months ? ( Sniff Sniff ) Just Kidding.I appreciate everyone on here ! Thank you for being so kind ! Be warned that I refuse to leave !
I have made some wonderful friends.It feels like a big family. God Bless until next time !!
Thank You ALL !
Now that I am almost over the initial shock I am excited. I told my husband last night..it was memorable..lol
We went shopping at Walmart and I kept putting things into the buggy which we usaully wouldnt buy.He didnt catch on to the prenatal vitamins so I finally went and grabbed a packed of Huggies. He stopped in mid-track and said, " Why are we buying Huggies ?" ..I looked at him and smiled.So I walked away casually and I heard him say " No WAY !! !! ".He was so excited.He wanted 100 answers in one minute.So we agreed that we were blessed and we will focus on this right now.I will continue months of research and just hold off on my plans.He was concerned about my weight already and is now more worried with a baby on the way.We are praying for an uncomplicated 9 months.
Thank You everyone ! You have been wonderful.I will update my profile and be here everyday as usual.Thank You for the support!