Desperately seeking support. Eroded Band thru Stomach wall, need partial gastrectomy

Beverly R.
on 3/28/04 6:44 am - Moultrie, Ga
Hello, First of all Thanks to Obesity Help Forum and the Wonderful people who I have met thru this Great Site. I had VBG in 87. I lost 110 pounds in less than six months. In 1988 I was Hospitalized for a Migraine Headache that wouldnt go away. My Neuro admitted me then had to go out of town and left me in the care of another Doc. I was loopy from Pain Meds. I was given two enteric coated pills which obstructed the pouch, stretched it and left me very sick. My Family called the Surgeon when the Nurses were not responding to my deteriorating condition. The Surgeon came directly to the Hospital and passed a NG tube, that rendered greater than one liter of enteric coated pills administered to me in my loopy state, bile, digestive juices and a lot of food particles and fluids. I was Critical for three days. I got better but my Surgeon explained that I would not lose more wt as the pouch was now stretched beyond the boundaries. 1990 Sudden Onset of Severe Epigastric pain, Nausea, and Vomiting. To ER admitted to care of WLS surgeon. Endoscopy showed that the band which was afixed to the outside of the stomach had now eroded. He didnt tell me that it had dropped out of its original placement nor that he left a needle inside my belly during the operation. 1995 diagnosed with Systemic Lupus and many other illnesses. 1887 Total Disabilty due to Lupus 2000 diagnosed with Gastroparesis, My esophagus and stomach required periodic dilations from 2000 to present. More endoscopies than I wish to recall. 2004 referred to Shands for Treatment of Gastroparesis. The GI Doc sent me to a Bariatric Surgeon because of concerns about the band. The BAND HAS falled Down and eroded, eaten in thru the side of my stomach, There is seventy five percent of it in my stomach and 25 percent outside the stomach wall. It is a miracle that I didnt bleed out during the peroforation of the stomach wall. The Bariatric Doc says that I must have the band removed in Open Abdominal Surgery. There is too much scar tissue to approach it safely by Lap. The Operation will entail a PARTIAL GASTRECTOMY. I am now going for the required prerequites for Surgery. I am extremely sick, having been admitted to the Hospital twice in less than thirty days. Nine Visits to ER Since Dec 2003 for Severe Nausea, Vomiting and Abdominal Pain. The Endo Pics of the ENdo done in Dec 2003 really is scary. It is obvious that my belly is contaminated as the Surgeon says. I am so scared about this Operation. I am not young like I was when I had the VBG. I am now 48 and in terrible health. I am a positive person. I have a lot of Faith in God which has brought me thru so much. I am seeking the support of some people that are willing to do so....... Promising that I have given a lot of support thru this site. I normally exceed the email quota before it cuts me off for going over five. There have been three peeps that have really been kind and have spoken to me via email or in Chat. I need some support that will continue. Why is it that peeps seem so interested in me and eager to support and then they drop out of existance. I hope I dont come accross negative , these are the facts of what I am facing. Tears........... Will You be here for me???? I promise to be there for you. God Bless You and may all your Dreams come true... Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Bev Ray
on 3/28/04 9:36 am - weston, FL
ohh girl... im so sorry to hear that you are sick... i dont know you but you seem like an awsome person... you are truley amazing... i will defently support you in the best of my abilitiles Lexa
Mari K.
on 3/28/04 1:19 pm - PSL, FL
Bev, I just signed up with AMOS to reply to your message. I will pray that God gives you strength and peace through this journey. From your message, I understand that you have been aware that God has helped you through tough times. He's still with you and will be holding you through this. Keep reminding yourself of God's love for you. Everything will work out for you. Let the peace of God calm your fears and follow the Holy Spirit's directions over the next few weeks. God will hold you safely in His hands. Mari
~Kim~ J.
on 3/29/04 4:56 am - Trinity, FL
Bev, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will certainly be here for you if you need anything. Seems you have had a very rough time. This is the right place for support. My prayers and thoughts are with you each day along the way. I hope they can take care of the issue and you get to feeling beter than you have been. Don't give up and remember God doesnt give us more than we can handle, and God never closes a door without first opening a window. **hugs** Kim
on 3/29/04 8:24 am - pinellas county, fl
Bev, I am sending prayers your way. I will be here anytime you need me. Melinda
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