So so sad
Melissa W.
on 1/9/04 12:44 am
on 1/9/04 12:44 am

Melissa W.
on 1/9/04 3:21 am
on 1/9/04 3:21 am
Thank you. And congrats to you and your friend. I am sure you feel so much better. =)
As for Cigna, I just called again. And a different lady told me, YES, that i am covered up to my renewal date. (If it is medically needed) All of this crazyness has been making me crazy. But i realize this is only the beginning of a longggggg road. Hopefully there will be light at the end of this tunnel.

Don't give up....fight them! AAAPPPPEEEAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still waiting to see if I'm denied or not, but I'm pretty sure I will be denied since my plan has an exclusion for WLS. I have already gathered some info and am getting an appeal letter ready, this way I'll be armed when the time comes. The key words are MEDICAL NECCESSITY. If you can get Dr.'s to back you and write some really good letters, you'll have a fighting chance. Good Luck....keep us posted.
Warm Regards,
Allison, don't give up! Keep fighting! It may take a while but in the mean time you can be working on the medically supervised diets. Some insurance companies require a 6-month one. Ask your doc, you could be filling that square while you wait. Don't let it get you down. You'll win one way or the other. It is easy for me to say this, but find some patience and fill every square. If it means finding another job that has good insurance...that may be the answer. Good luck in whatever happens! Keep your chin up and keep us posted!
Life's a Beach just don't get Burned!
Melissa W.
on 1/9/04 11:47 pm
on 1/9/04 11:47 pm
That is a great idea!
Thank you. I will get that started now. I do have a supervised diet on record. Although, it was when i was taking phentermine. So i did lost some weight then. But of course, as always, it came back. Do you think i should request my records to help with recording my diet record? Also do you suggest that i bring anything with me to my first meetingwith the Surgeon? The lady that i talked to said that all i need is my insurence card.

Allison, I had DS surgery on 2/14/03 and had Cigna insurance coverage. My husband works for Sprint, the phone company, and was covered thru that insurance. Its a PPO. It took alot of documentation to make my case. I had to have a 6 month documentation of dieting and Dr supervised weight loss. My surgeon required I think 12 different tests prior to surgery, in order to get approval for the surgery. To show I was medically able to have the surgery....I had to be over 100 lbs overweight and have at least 2 medical conditions due to the obesity. My ins approval took alittle while, so be patient. I would document every phone call or letter to the ins. company. I made copies of every thing I sent to them. I was required to obtain all the test results for my surgeon and present them to his office at one time, as a completed package. I kept a copy for myself of all these also. If you have gone to weigh****chers, get your records from them. That will help.Any Dr you have gone to that has mentioned your weight or dieting to you, get them to make a copy of your records. I also got a phsch. approval from my DR., indicating that mentally and emotionally I would have no problems having the surgery and doing the life changing recovery. Participate in any support group your Dr may have for his patients, the exchange of information is invaluable and you won't feel so alone. Good luck to you.