can someone please tell me what i have to do :- (
hello everyone, I am hoping to have everything together for surgery in early 2004, saw my pcp yesterday, wrote a sample letter and gave them the dr's sample letter also,
she said she will document my attempts thus far, but said she doesnt have 6 months info on me
because I have only seen her for 4 months and im not sure if they will help me get the required letter on diet history, she said she will see what she can do! anyone have any idea's as to what I should do now?
my old doc in N.Y. has retired
I still need the psyc. eval and then pre op tests then i can get a date God willing!
have a blessed Holiday everyone! God bless all of you who are having surgery this month! Mary in fl.

I was told by my surgeon's office BlueCross would want the six months on me. It's been many years since I had a doctor work with me on weight loss (1997) and 15 to 20 years since Weigh****chers and NutraSystems. We submitted anyway and was approved with no problems. In my letter to the insurance company I detailed everything I had done along with my many failed attempts at dieting. Even put all my weights from my Navy medical records from 1963-1966. Make your letter as complete as possible. Wishing you the best of luck in your quest.
hi bre, I am expecting the same from my new pcp, i have only seen her 5x in 4 months, all my tests came out normal, but i am diabetic say a lil prayer for me she does the right thing, but i will not give up i am so close now to get what i want, and in the event she doesnt give me what i need i will type my own letter and find a new pcp best of luck to you! I have medicare and the surgery wouldn't be approved anyway till after it's done.have a blessed holiday mary in fl.