My pcp suggested surgery, now what?
After months of whinning to my pcp, he suggested surgery. In the past, he has perscribed xenical, weigh****chers, Atkins, etc. Nothing works. I have been over weight since childhood. I took a few months to let the option soak in, did alot of research both on and off line, and now I think I'm ready. I'v contacted my insurance company, who says I'm covered...Now what do I do?

My suggestion would be use this site to search for a Surgeon in your area, or commit to driving to Orlando, or Tampa. I've heard that there is a really good program at Celebration Health in Celebration, FL, and I will be looking into it myself. I'm not yet clear on Surgeons, but the advice I have been given is find one you are comfortable with, after all, would you want someone rearranging your internal organs, if you didn't like that person?
Marina 8-l
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I have looked into several surgeons and have found a few in my area that will accept my insurance plan. Dr. Murr is the one my primary suggested, but he requires that I go to Spectra HealthCare which is not covered ($700) before he will accept me as a patient.
I'm kinda of on my own to find another dr. I have used this site alot in the last couple of days to find names to check out with my ins. I found three...Dr. Rehnke of St Petersburg, Dr. Rosemurgey of Tampa, and Dr. Thomas of Aurbandale. If anyone can help with recommendations, it would be very much appriciated.