ATTN: Patients of Dr. Jawad
I just went to and Dr. Jawads picture and name are gone. Does anyone have any info on this? He just performed Lap RNY on me on 7/15/03 and needless to say at only 3.5 months out, I'm a little concerned that my surgeon seems to have disappeared. I do have a follow up appt. next Thursday and will definitely be asking about it then, but in the meantime the curiosity is killing me.

Someone answered me on the main message board, so I thought I'd post it here just in case someone else was wondering.
I don't mean to sound ignorant...but what does this mean? I went to the new site, but the contact phone # is the, did he move offices, change the business name???? Anyone know the details?
There was nothing on the site to indicate and changes.
I am hoping for surgery with Dr. Jawad in Feb., I don't want to look for a new surgeon, I'm very comfortable with my choice.
Thank You Melanie, for sharing that with us!
And thanks to everyone here for making my journey a lot less scary. all the info, stories and updates have helped in a tremendous way! Thanks to for being here...what a gift!

Dr Jawad
is still going to be doing WLS, he is just seperating from the "joint" practice from what I understand so that he can make it even better experience.
There are so many things he wants to do to make WLS an awesome journey
and I think he is just preparing for that. No worries. His heart
is very much involved with helping us, his patients.