Has anyone had to change insurance providers?
I'm in a real spot. I was on medical leave and, my company decided to fire me. I'm hoping I can afford to keep my insurance "as is" and pay for it (the insurance) myself, in order to keep the process moving and not ruin my chance for surgery. I'm hoping this is an option. Does anyone have any ideas or have had to change insurers. I've only had my 1st appt. w/Dr Jawad and just have a psych. eval and sleep study to do, then I'm done with all my tests. I don't want to have to start over and wait even longer for surgery.
I have already contacted an attorney (if he'll represent me), since I was out on FMLA. Any attorneys names are welcome also, just in case this one falls through. Thanks all. I can't wait to be a loooooooooooossseerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

what I know is that there's something called "COBRA" and is a benefit that some companies do. You keep the insurance but you pay for it. find out. Also, I submitted my case, got denied by Cigna health and now I just changed to United Health, Dr's office just have to submit all papers to United and that's it...you don't have to start all over again. Good Luck.