
on 3/23/09 3:40 am - Rural Retreat , VA

Hello, my name is Brandy, i've been a lurker for awhile now, doing alot of research on wls. I'm looking into the lab band. The questions i have are: (1) i have medicaid share of cost right now, so i was wondering what are the test that needs to be done before they approve you, so that i can start them. As soon as my unemployment ends i'll be on regular medicaid, not on the soc. I know when i do go on regular medicaid i have to pick an hmo and a dr. that accepts them. I just want to get the ball going so that i don't have any problems later on. (2) Is there anyone out there who has not got their surgery done yet willing to buddy up with me so that i'm not going at this alone. Give each othe support. I could really use it....I'm so excited about this, i just want to get started right now, I finally got my husband and parents support on this, and i fill if i put it off any longer i lose that support. (3) how do i find a seminar (?) in my area. i live in Port St. Lucie. Thanks again for any help you give.

 SW: 318  CW: 315  GW: 165

Surgery Date: Aug. 5, 2014 with Dr. Ranjan Sudan







on 3/23/09 8:22 am

Welcome Brandy. I don't have the answers for you about Medicaid but I wanted to welcome you and let you know that I also live in Port St. Lucie and I would be more than happy to give you any support that you need. Good luck!


on 3/23/09 12:19 pm - Rural Retreat , VA
Hi Pat, that's awesome that you live in psl. I would love to have a support buddy. I don't really have enough from my family. Like i said above, my husband and mother just didn't want to hear anything about this wls, they were totally against it. I'm trying to talk my mom into getting wls too, i know her medicare will pay for it, i'm afraid if she doesn't i might lose her, she has so much health problems all due to her weight. My husband refuses to listen to me about the other surgeries, he's set on the lap band. I'm not sure that the lap band is right for me. I don't know were to start. I want to get this started now that way when i get the full medicaid i'll have most of my procedures done and over with. Tomorrow i'm gonna make an appointment with my pcp, talk with him about my decision. 
How have you been since you got ur DS? Has ur health improved alot, how much have you lost? OHHHH i have so many question, i just don't know how to ask them.  I hope to hear back from you. Take care.

 SW: 318  CW: 315  GW: 165

Surgery Date: Aug. 5, 2014 with Dr. Ranjan Sudan







on 3/24/09 8:58 am
I sent you a PM.


on 3/23/09 1:06 pm - Pensacola, FL
I know nothing about medicaid, except that you have to go to a center of excellence to have your surgery.  I also don't really know anything about the lap band.  So I guess I am just here to welcome you to the board!!!!  It is good that you have some kind of support from your family, I kept my rny a secret from my family.  My husband is the only one that knows.  I looked into the lapband at first, but when I went to my seminar I knew that rny was right for me.  My Dr just told me not to get my heart set on a certain surgery until I explored all the options. 


on 3/24/09 3:49 am - Orlando, FL
Hi Brandy - just wanted to say hi and welcome.  I didn't use Medicaid so unfortunately will not be of much help in that area.

From what I've read Medicare/Medicaid will only pay for the surgery at an accredited Bariatric Center of Excellence (here's the link to the accrediting agency...

As for ones near you, there are few CoE in the Miami area, one in Atlantis and one in Celebration (near Kissimmee).  I went to the one in Celebration myself (I have nothing but good things to say about Dr Kim).  Check the weblink though, there may be one closer to you that I missed.  Here's the link to the one in Celebration just in case it works for you  They have free seminars once a month (on the second Wednesday of the month - and you can also stay afterward for the support group for the immediately post-surgery folks (that's people up to 6 months post-surgery).  I also found that they were brilliant at guiding me through the approval hoops with my insurance.

About the surgeries themselves.  There is no one "right" surgery - only the one that will work best for YOU (given your own history, and temptations).  While your husband may believe that only the lap-band is lower risk and that RNY and other surgeries are riskier - that is not necessarily true.  One reason for the Centers of Excellence is that they offer a far better chance of a positive outcome (they're specialists... have a FULL program including follow-up care - not just surgeons that also do WLS).   In any case... it's YOUR body - you are the one that will have to live with the outcome - not your husband.  It is most important that YOU are happy with your choice.

In my case, I originally wanted the lap-band myself.  I too believed it was lower risk and was at least reversible.  I found out that (with my surgeon anyway) lap band was not a lower-risk option, and that RNY was reversible if worst came to worst.  The nurse practitioner with my PCP really helped clarify my choice.  She said that even if I lost the average amount of weight a lap-bander does, I would STILL be obese and all the same risks as before surgery.  Both are still major surgery - though RNY is more invasive.   She asked me if I wanted to go through major surgery, and not substantially improve the likely outcome... and for me the answer was no.  I went with the RNY and had no complications.  Mind you - I started at 335lbs, so I have a LOT to loose. That may not be the case with you.

Anyway, I wish you all the best with your research, your family and your WLS journey!
on 3/25/09 12:26 am - Mouseville, FL
I really do not know much about Lap Band or Medicaid.  But I wanted to suggest that you start by calling surgeons in your area to see who will accept your insurance.  As to getting started -- different surgeons have different requirements for pre-op testing so it might be better to wait until you have identified your surgeon.  Also remember this is your body and your health so you need to learn all you can about all of your choices and make your own decision.  It is not your husband's decision to make.  You will be living with your choice for the rest of your life.





Sharon J.
on 3/26/09 2:51 pm - Pensacola, FL
Hi Brandy.  The only comment I have is regarding the lap band versus RNY.  I too had initially planned on the lap band.  I never told anyone that.  I was afraid of the RNY because it was so "dangerous," I thought.  After my first seminar with Dr. Lord in Pensacola, I came away with a completely different perspective.  The big question he asked the audience was if you had a problem with "cheating" and eating sweets and/or carbs.  Of course, I raised my hand that I do both.  The surgery then would be RNY.  The lap band allows you to eat pretty much what you want without the dumping syndrome that RNY can cause.  Both are restrictive and will result in weight loss over the long term.  RNY will result in more weight loss in a much shorter amount of time and better luck at keeping the weight off.  That is my understanding at least.  I chose the RNY in the end and have been very happy that I did.  I am almost a year out and have lost 95 pounds.  Many people lose much more than that in the first year.  I call myself a slow loser.  LOL  I am within 17-27 pounds of goal according to my surgeon a couple of days ago.  I hope to lose 20 more pounds and I will be totally grateful.

You also will be required to take 2 multivitamins with iron each day for the rest of your life, as well as calcium twice a day, and vitamin B12 (I am doing monthly injections which is working out great).  You can do sublingual vitamin B12 otherwise.  These are the main supplements.

Also, you will learn that you need to have protein supplements for on an average of six months following surgery.  I had to take them for 9 months because of my age.  You are much younger, so that wouldn't be the case with you.  I chose the chocolate protein powder from WalMart (after trying several others) and I liked it just fine.  This helps you to heal and keep the hair loss to a minimum.  I had very little hair loss after my surgery.  Everyone is different though.

Best of luck to you in making the decision that is right for you.  Sharon

on 3/26/09 10:27 pm - Rural Retreat , VA
Thank you guys for the welcome and all the information. I'm still researching everything i can. I'm still trying to get a hold of somebody in the medicaid department who can answer some of my questions. I'm looking at Dr. Jawd (i think that is how you spell his name). He takes a couple of the medicaid HMO's. My husband and I are going to go to Orlando for one of his seminars next month. I'm still very undesided about which wls i want have, i'm not gonna make that decision until i go to the seminar. I'm ready everything i can find about everyone of the wls out there. 
 I am scared and excited at the same time. I know everyone felt the same. That is what keeps me from backing out. I've had 4 surgeries already why not have one more. I know what the pain feels like. I'm okay with that. It's the complication that i could have is what scares me. Complications come with surgery, and with any thing i do. I'm just afraid i'm gonna die. How long can you live with having this done to your body? That is my main question. Have any of you asked your dr. about that. Anyway either way i'm gonna have this done. I can't wait intil i see the new me after all is said and done. I'm tired of being trapped in this over weight body. That skinny me is sooo ready to come out.


 SW: 318  CW: 315  GW: 165

Surgery Date: Aug. 5, 2014 with Dr. Ranjan Sudan







on 3/27/09 5:52 am - Orlando, FL
I asked my surgeon about whether there were any long-term studies on whether RNY affected longevity etc.  His answer was that this surgery has been around for much longer than most people think.  It was used originally over 50 years ago for treating ulcers and some stomach cancers. 

The present use as a treatment for obesity began in 1960, after doctors noticed that one of the "side effects" of the surgery was weight loss.  Long term followup of the early patients was spotty but no significant issues that could be attributed to the surgery itself (other than those caused by vitamin/nutrient deficiency) were found.

Obviously, in the years since techniques have improved, and the research has matured - the dietary instructions you will be given are based on research and follow-up of patients and are given to ensure the best possible success.
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