Lap band surgery (5 weeks) no fill yet but can eat solids w/no problem

Elisa D.
on 5/22/08 4:32 am - PINELLAS PARK, FL
Hi, I had lap band surgery in April with no complications. Now I am starting to eat solids and I am not feeling any fullness. Is this mean the lap band needs to be adjusted with a fill? Or has the band slipped? My doctor is out of the country now, so I can't call him about this.  I tested this myself by making a large romain salad plate with slice turkey (4 OZ) and cucumbers cut into slices. I was able to eat all of it in the space of a half & hour!! I did not have any liquids with it, but as far as the bulk it seemed a lot of food. I also refrained from eating any bread or starches but I obviously don't want to add that!  Help! has anyone else experienced this? From talking to other patients that had the surgery, even ones that have not had a fill yet, they calimed they could not pass a lot of food... What is wrong with me?




on 5/24/08 12:43 am - Mouseville, FL
Your doctor should have someone taking his calls -- if this is a concern to you I would call that physician. Red




on 5/24/08 1:32 am, edited 5/24/08 1:33 am - New Port Richey, FL
Sorry you're having an issue, and SHAME on  your doctor's practice for being so thoughtless and/or careless in not providing coverage for issues like yours in his absence.  Can't say it surprises me though - I "experienced" your surgeon's "staff" first hand and THANKFULLY ended up with another surgeon who along with his staff are absolutely fantastic in every aspect - I had my surgery before Thanksgiving in 2006, and as luck would have it, had a problem with one of my incisions over the holiday weekend.  I called my surgeon's office and received an IMMEDIATE response.  Even though my surgeon was out of town visiting family for the holiday, his partner was "on call" and responded to my call immediately, so in my mind, there is absolutely no excuse for not being able to obtain medical advice even if your surgeon is out of town.  Funny how AFTER the surgery, some surgeons tend to sweep you under the carpet. In the mean time, have you considered consulting with a different doctor since yours apparently doesn't concern himself with your needs and issues?  There are several other fine surgeons and bariatric professionals in the area (I am also in the Tampa Bay area).  Just a thought.  I hope you can have your concern resolved soon!

~ Terri - Come on and CRUISE TO LOSE with us!

Elisa D.
on 5/25/08 2:23 am - PINELLAS PARK, FL
Hi Terri and Red! So Terri you had an experience with Dr. Rehnke ... his staff is not very supportive, he is nice but distant. When I asked him during my first visit after surgery, if and when I would have my first fill, he said laughing; "when I make the decide that you need it I'll let you know, but it is my decision to make"  I though that was a strange response to my question?  You both seemed to be knowledgeable about this process, do you think that I have a problem since I can eat without restains? An Terri, you mentioned that I should try another bariatric professional, who would take at this point? post surgery, I mean?  Thanks both for your responses!!! Elisalu




on 5/25/08 9:19 am - New Port Richey, FL
Elisalu, this is just ONE of the issues I had with that practice.  You know, it is wonderful that he is a medical doctor - a surgeon no less...very commendable, and I certainly could not do it. does NOT mean that he is better than me or any of his patients, and that attitude prevails in that office, from the insurance clerk who does not answer incoming calls - you have to call, leave a message (assume and hope she gets it) and then wait for HER to call YOU when it's good for HER!  Excuse me?!  The office manager, schedulers, and the bariatric "specialist" personal experience with the whole group all the way up the ladder to the top has been at best, mediocre, and at worst, AWFUL!!  I had been affiliated with them for about 6 months and they did basically NOTHING on my behalf with insurance.  When I switched surgeons, my approval literally came within 24 HOURS....something the other office could not manage or make time for in six MONTHS!!  When I would call and question/complain about how long things were taking, they (that surgeon's staff) would immediately blame my insurance carrier.  What they apparently did not realize is that I spoke DAILY with my insurance rep...that surgeon's office did not submit ANY paperwork on my behalf until the bitter end, and I'd already sought out another surgeon.  It still makes me shake my head in disgust now, nearly 2 years later.   I do not know much about Lap Band, and if you obtained your info from that surgeon's staff, well, I would HIGHLY recommend seeking out information about your band from other sources...the information I received on both Lap Band and RNY from them was minimal.  I do know that Tiffany Jesse is a "partner" of sorts of Rehnke's (not sure of the cir****tances), although she does have her own offices.  Dr. Jesse did my friend's Lap Band last June and my friend is very pleased - both with the band itself AND Dr. Jesse.  When Renee (my friend) has had issues like yours, questions and even a "problem", Dr. Jesse was able to answer and resolve her issues.  As far as his response to you about knowing when you'll need a fill, well, it just reinforces my own feelings about the man.  He seems to be a little too big for his britches...maybe even with a bit of a "God" complex, I don't know....I CAN tell you this - I've met with several bariatric surgeons, both through my own quest for WLS, and through my Cruise to Lose events, and I can say in all honesty, that not ONE of the other surgeons who I personally know have that attitude to such a monumental degree.  Yes, Dr. Rehnke has done many of these surgeries, and I am sure that he is a fine surgeon...that does not however, give him or his staff the right to treat ANY of their patients the way I have been treated or the way you have been treated.  I also know of many of his patients who are in agreement, but apparently he has done "good" by some, because he has quite a following.  I sure don't get it!  On the other hand, my surgeon is absolutely fantastic!  Dr. Richard Gordon and Dr. John-Paul Gonzalvo out of Largo are AWESOME....both have done bariatric surgery fellowships at Cleveland Clinic and are superior in their field.  You can check their legal records (State of Florida) and both are spotless (unlike others who we won't mention here!).  To me, that speaks volumes - if you don't make mistakes, you have happy patients who are not inclined to sue - period.  Anyway, if Dr. Jesse (who as I said IS a close associate of Rehnke"s) can't help, I would absolutely suggest giving Drs. Gordon and Gonzalvo a call - Also, Dr. Ted Small in Countryside.  If you choose any of the latter three, tell them Terri Neade sent you!  Their staff(s) are AWESOME - like night and day with what you've experienced - trust me!  I have been dealing with them for nearly 2 years now and have NEVER had a negative experience with anyone there.  I would definitely call around. Again, I am really sorry that you have had this experience, and I hope you can find someone who takes a little more personal interest in their patients to help you!  Best of luck, and please keep us posted!!

~ Terri - Come on and CRUISE TO LOSE with us!

on 5/25/08 2:58 pm - Mouseville, FL
Elisalu- I had the DS so I really do not know much about the lap band.  But I do know if you have questions or concerns there should always be someone from your surgeon's office available to address those concerns. Good luck.  I hope you are able to get all of this resolved. Red




on 5/27/08 8:18 am - Mayfield, PA
Elisalu I ready your story and that's just HORRIBLE! To think I almost went to that dr!! I would like to reccomend mine Dr. Wilfred Aguila His office his small but he's wonderful He was trained by lee grossbard from journeylite. Let me know if you need his info. He will take on patients from other dr's. He's mentioned several times how he's "taken in" other dr's patients

~*~ Let Your Freak Flag Fly ~*~
It's not a Lap-Band it's a leash for my inner Wild Woman!

Elisa D.
on 5/28/08 5:12 am - PINELLAS PARK, FL
 Thank you,  Azucar! I did not think that I could go to another Doc after my surgery!! How often do you see your doctor? If you call him about a problem, he gets back to you? Let me know a little more about him. Were is his office? i noticed you are from Tampa, is he in Tapa proper? Did you have a lapband procedure put in? Thanks a lot for your input!!




on 5/28/08 9:18 am - Mayfield, PA
Ok his name is Dr Wilfred Aguila 

Wilfred Aguila, MD, FACS

Surgical Bariatric Centers, L.L.C. Aesthetics & Weightloss Center 508 South Habana Ave Suite 335 Tampa, Fl. 33609 (813) 877-6000 Office (813)877-6002 Fax Here's his picture


Here's his website This is his office manager Tina she's had the lap band surgery tina.html He's right acroos from Memorial Hospital it's below Armenia and Kennedy. I am in the process of getting banded and my approval is being submitted this week.  My friend Bev who I met here on OH was just banded 2 weeks ago or is it 3 now Her profile is if you want to ask her also Just tell her that Melissa (azucar323) from OH referred you to her for some questions. He has meetings monthly for support group at the hospital for aftercare.  Everytime I call the office someone answeres. Tina's son Shawn is the receptionist and he is wonderful so is Tina. They treat you like you're family and everything is very informal. I did have some questions after my first appointment and they were answered the same day, actually within the hour. Tina also uses email so if you have a question you can email her at night and you'll usually have an answer the next day when you get home from work.  Just to let you know how open.... Tina was doing our orientation and someone asked if you can feel your port when  you lose weight. Tina lifted up her shirt and let us feel her port. She said hey I'm here to answer all your questions..LOL (in case your wondering it felt like a baby foot would) She was very candid and honest about everything.  Dr Aguila is a great guy I feel so comfortable around him. He's always smiling and a very caring. He takes great pride in what he does. (check out my review). He is adamant that you must eat and use the lapband as a tool. He will NOT overfill you so that you starve yourself to lose. He makes sure your band is well adjusted to hit your sweet spot and expects you to eat 3 meals a day.  His weight loss after  1 year is hovering around 60 percent. The average for lap band is 40 so you know he's doing something right.  Let me know if you have any questions Melissa

~*~ Let Your Freak Flag Fly ~*~
It's not a Lap-Band it's a leash for my inner Wild Woman!

debbie L.
on 6/1/08 12:38 am, edited 6/1/08 12:40 am - Mobile, AL
Hello Elisalu and everyone! It seems I had surgery one day after u...I would like to offer my 2 cents worth and hope a grain of it helps.  I live in Mobile, AL but usually post on the lapband message board b/c there are not too many lapbanders on the bama board...mostly rny.  I decided to check out FL today since I don't live far from some cities in FL. and saw your post.  I too had lapband surgery in April.  I am finding w/o a  fill I can eat quite a lot of food.  Well, it depends on the food.  I haven't tried any salads.  If I eat chili or say spaghetti sauce, I feel full pretty with 6-8 oz for sure.  It lasts a long time too!  But if I eat mushies or veggies, I can eat more.  I read and post most everyday on the lapband board and this seems normal.  U might wanna check out that board as's very helpful.  My doc said about a fill when I went in for my 1 week post-op check up that he wouldn't do a fill when I came back in 4 weeks if I was losing and not getting hungry in between meals. Like one poster mentioned above...he won't do it to make u too tight like some docs seem to be glad to do so that u starve urself to lose the weight.  He wants u to eat 3 meals a day.  I go back next week, the 3rd, so I will be interested to see if he gives me a fill.  I have been losing slowly..the suggested 1-2 lbs per week and I don't get hungry btwn meals. So, perhaps he won't?   Either way I am ok with it.   Good luck and check out the lapband fact post the same question over there and u'll get probably 8-10 responses from lapbanders about their own feeling; not so much about talking to ur dr.  But that is awful about ur dr.  I'd be very upset if I were treated that way.  I would also pursue another group.  This is too hard (not to mention too expensive) to not have the dr's and staff on ur side.

Beg weight 242  Surg weight 232  Today 203
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