I've made it to the other side!!
I finally made it!! 4 days post op! Still feeling a bit bloated but that will go away soon enough. The swelling in my abd is getting better, too. My belly doesn't look as lopsided. I can't seem to get rid of my headache though. Thanks to all for the info I've read and will read. And thanks for the thoughts and prayers....you know who you are!
Yeah Ramona!!!!!
I wish we could have met at the hospital but you were before me. I have a sneaky suspicion you were the one right before me. I got to the hospital around 230 and wanted to ask the person a couple of beds over if that was you... just seemed to grab that vibe. I guess I"ll have to wait for the pics. My hubby was the one freaking over the needle, if that was you, you will remember that ;) I'm so glad we're in this together. My post op appt is 1/3 at 2, hopefully they'll be a good weight loss ;)
Happy Holidays! I post and lurke in the lapband forum, you should join in ;)