Hi Everyone,
It has been awhile since I have "checked in". My bariactric surgery was done June 5, 2006 so I have passed my year anniversary. And ... . dropped from 325 pounds (weight at surgery) to 174 pounds so have dropped below the first 100 pounds lost. Decided to start a profile this time .. so it ia a beginning. Any one reading it can tell the problems I have had with having the surgery .. but the Roux en Y is the best thing that has happened to me as far as weight loss. I did drop to 160 pounds after my last surgery February, 2007 but had gained back 14 pounds. The doctors don't seem to be concerned as much as I am. Told me since I had to have the first part of the surgery done again .. I would lose weight. Back on liquid diet after etc .. just like beginning all over again. I still can't eat steak. And finally can eat regular chicken ... couldn't do that either since June of last year. Still having problems with saugage or bacon and any beef product. As we all know, some of us can eat things others can't.
The very best to all of you!!!!!
Thanks Red!! And Congrads on your 3 pounds to go!!! Love your little pup. We have two boys .. they don't know they are Chihuahuas .. in fact, one thinks he is a Great Dane. LOL
I am glad I can eat some meat and no problem with the canned ham, chicken, tuna or any seafood product. Lucky cause I love seafood. Been off track since I started feeling better after my last surgery. Need to pay more attention to what I eat. I do much better on "eat this this and this" than making choices. I hate to cook and bake. My motto is ... if it can't go from the freezer to the plate in 10 minutes don't buy it. LOL