Depressed-to much weight loss now i have withdrawn cheeks,face,-look anorexic
sorry this has happened to you, it does happen to some and the weight does come back up some slowly.
Can you eat pasta or chips or starch, big mac's frend fries and all the other stuff that we had to give up?
people are so mean anyway... those people may never have a nice thing to say...
anyway, I hope you have an better time of it soon.
Hey Alex,
I am the same height you are and I was down to 140 pounds last year. My doctor wanted me to gain 10 pounds also. It took me 6 months to do it by "grazing"
The first thing people noticed was my cheeks were filled out. Until someone pointed that out to me I hadn't realized I looked shallow in the face. My pant size hasn't changed either. (maybe a little snugger, but not enough to change) I do have to admit that I feel better at 150 pounds. I just have a healthier feeling.
Thanks Cory for the Doctor also wants me to gain 10 lbs and also suggested grazing and told me it will take about 6 months or so like it did for you.i know i will feel better at 150lbs and look better .i just want to look healtheir and not have the gaunt look.i guess it will just take a little while but he assured me there is nothing wrong,that this is a natural process and the body will gain the extra lbs and not to worry about it,thanks again Alex