:help:Having Plastic surgery in January in Pensacola, Florida
What surgeons have you used in Pensacola, Florida for your plastic surgery? I am using Dr. James Frost. He does his surgeries at West Florida Hospital. What hospital did you have your surgery at? What did you think about West Florida Hospital? Any personal experiences will be greatly appreciated. I was also asked to lose 20 more pounds. I have been exercising, increasing my water (crystal light drinks) and my protein shakes 3-5 daily and I am not losing any weight. I am embrassed for I gained 10 pounds and didn't tell my truthful weight. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I don't want to gain a single ounce more.
Knock Knock its me and the pitcher of Margarita's LOL!
It's probably just a phase and this too will pass. Most of the younger people I see here in FL with piercings either take them out while at work or but a little band-aid over them.
I don't know that they can legally fire him but they could request he cover or take it out while on the clock. My Division Chief just got a tattoo about 3 months ago on his forearm and we work for the state. He just wears shirts that can cover it up if necessary.
I think I was around 21 when I had my nose pierced........that lasted a handfull of years and I was a casino banker back then. You cant even tell I had it done, no scars.
Maybe just talk to him about how to take it out or conceal it at work.
Don't worry this too will pass : )
Ready for that Margarita refill? LOL