The Revised Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)





1. Has a doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and recommended only medically supervised activity?






2. Do you have chest pain brought on by physical activity?






3. Have you developed chest pain in the past month?






4. Have you on 1 or more occasions lost consciousness or fallen over as a result of dizziness?






5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be aggravated by the proposed physical activity?






6. Has a doctor ever recommended medication for you blood pressure or a heart condition?






7. Are you aware, through your own experience or a doctor?s advice, of any other physical reason that would prohibit you from exercising without medical supervision?






If you answered ?yes? to any of these questions, call your personal physician or healthcare provider before increasing your physical activity.

Please print this questionnaire and bring it to your physician if you have any further questions.


The PAR-Q was created by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology.

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