Exercise How To - The Leg Curl

by Jeremy Gentles, CSCS


Beginner Level - Standing Leg Curl with Resistance Band

Preparation/Setup: Attach one end of a resistance band to an ankle cuff on your lower leg and the other end to a secure object near the floor. Lean forward slightly and brace yourself against a secure surface.

Movement/Execution: Using your knee as a pivot point, flex your knee, pulling against the resistance band until your knee is fully flexed. Then, straighten your knee and return to the start position. Repeat.


Intermediate Level - Lying Leg Curl

Movement/Execution: Make sure your lower legs are in contact with the lever pad and then raise the lever by flexing your knees. Extend your legs, returning to the start position, without allowing the weight stack to touch. Repeat.

Notes: You may need to adjust the lever on the leg curl machine for proper placement.

Preparation/Setup: Lie prone on the bench, placing your knees slightly past the edge of the bench.

Advanced Level - Lying Leg Curl with Dumbbell

Preparation/Setup: Lie prone on a flat bench, placing your knees slightly past the edge of the bench. Have a partner place a dumbbell between your feet with your knees flexed. With some practice, you may be able to pick the dumbbell up with your feet yourself.

Movement/Execution: Utilizing a spotter when you are starting to learn the movement, lower the dumbbell until your legs are extended. Flex your knees, lifting the dumbbell back to the start position. Repeat.

Notes: While a spotter/partner is not necessary through the entire movement, it is suggested that you use a spotter until you are comfortable holding the dumbbell between your feet. The spotter is not to lift the weight for you, but rather to assist you in holding the weight between your feet. With practice, you should no longer require someone to spot you through the movement.

 December 2008


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