weekly work out 3.27.17

on 3/26/17 5:24 pm - Canada

Well my 30k race is done. Not a good race for me but I finished. My stomach gave me huge issues today and I still can not eat.

Monday relax and recover

Tuesday 60 minute bike ride

Wed S/f 30 minute and master swim 60 minutes

Thursday 50 minute run

Friday s/f 30 minute ride 45 minute

Saturday 45 minute swim 45 ride I may switch saturday and friday

Sunday ride

on 3/26/17 6:51 pm - MA

Here is my schedule

Monday-3 Mike run

Tuesday-Spin Class

Wednesday- Swim


Friday-Spin Class

Saturday-4 mile run

Sunday-Spin Class

Have a happy healthy week!

Yours in WLS Journey,

Bill Mac

on 3/27/17 6:11 am

Cut back week


Tuesday-6 mile run

Wednesday-6 mile run

Thursday-12 mile run


Saturday-16 mile trail run

Sunday-10 mile trail run

VSG:  3/12/15

on 3/27/17 8:39 am
VSG on 08/04/14

Those best laid plans of last week fell all the hell apart. But it's a new week. Hopefully everyone in my house are on the mend and I can devote a little attention to myself.

Monday - Cardio during the day / shoulders upper body strength training at night

Tuesday - Cardio during the day / bicepts upper body strength training at night

Wednesday - Lower body Strength training

Thursday - Cardio during the day / back and tricepts upper body strength training at night

Friday - Cardio

Saturday - STEAM festival downtown where we will walk and perform experiments for 5-6 hours

Sunday - nothing formal. Cooking, cleaning, etc.

Gwen M.
on 3/27/17 1:59 pm
VSG on 03/13/14

I'm glad your race is finished, but sorry it wasn't good!

Last week ended badly for me, I had some horrible stomach thing on Thursday that was compounded with a kidney stone. Whee. Hopefully I'll get back to my desired routine today since I've only got it for ten weeks before plastic surgery takes over my life.

Monday: walk
Tuesday: run, yoga stretching
Wednesday: yoga at home
Thursday: run, yoga stretching
Friday: fitness classes (pilates/yoga hybrid, tai chi, pilates)
Saturday: run, yoga stretching
Sunday: yoga at home

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

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