Looking for help

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/16 10:49 pm

Hi Scaredofbeingdifferent,

If you want to lose weight easily, iHCG injection is a good option.

HCG stands for Human Choriogonadotropin, the hormone produced by pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. Research suggests a small, daily HCG Injection (approx. 125 IU to 200 IU) may result in a weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs per day, and often more. This program must be accompanied by the VLCD (very low calorie diet, of apprx. 500 calories/day).

Visit www.ihcginjections.com if you want to know more.


Steph Meat Hag
on 9/15/16 1:24 pm - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

I read a meme that had a picture of a big guy at the gym on a treadmill and it said something like this :"Making fun of this guy would be like making fun of a homeless man at a job interview".  Point being anyone at the gym is trying to better themselves, and no one should make fun of anyone cause each person has a personal goal they are working on.  

There are a lot of larger people at gyms, if you get a chance to stop by one you might not feel as out of place as you imagine.  Next some gyms have trainers that are educated and work with larger people to obtain their goals. You might call a few gyms and let them know you have some special needs being a larger person and have some concerns you'd like to talk to someone about.  If you find the right gym they should be able to put you at ease about things like work outs, machines, and recommend a trainer who can meet with you.  

Initially the price of a trainer might blow your mind, however finding a person who can get you started can make going to the gym feel really comfortable.  Imagine going to the gym with a really motivational friend, your going to be busy learning and listening to them and won't even notice others around you, also they'll teach you how to use everything and so when you go alone you won't have anxiety of not understanding the machines work.  If your budget will allow for it try calling a few gyms and talk to a few trainer if you find one you trust give a gym a try when you feel ready.

Until your ready though it's all about just doing something.  Looks like your on the right track doing things there in your home.  Youtube has so many videos those should keep you busy for awhile.  Then before you know it, you might just find yourself in a gym.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.


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