Weekly Workouts 5.30.16

on 5/29/16 7:40 pm - MA

Schedule for the week

Monday-4 Mike Run

Tuesday- TRX class

Wednesday-5 Mile Run

Thursday- TRX Class 

Friday-Strength Training & Spin Class

Saturday-5 Mile Run



Yours in Health & Happines,

Bill Mac

Yours in WLS Journey,

Bill Mac

on 5/30/16 3:57 am - Canada

Hi I hope anyone can post to this.

Mon. hour swim with the triathlon group

Tue. power yoga and hour run with group at the track

Wed- master swim

Thursday 30 minute strength training and hour run with 5 hills included

Friday 45 bike ride

Saturday- 110 minute run

Sunday 50 bike ride 

on 5/30/16 7:50 am - MA

Great Post!! Out of curiosity how many Triathalons have you done?

Yours in WLS Journey,

Bill Mac

on 5/30/16 4:26 pm - Canada

I have done around 7 of them. next year i am going to do 1/2 iron man. I know I can do it but the big question is can I do it in the time that they allow. My trainer seems to think i will be able to


on 5/30/16 5:36 pm - MA

Very cool...I have done one but planning on 2 this summer!

Yours in WLS Journey,

Bill Mac

on 5/30/16 6:48 pm - Canada

what are the distance that you are doing. Tri Tri or sprint. I would have liked to do of the them but my trainer feels with me do a ultra we need to worry more about that so I am doing Iron girl. Like the fact no guys. Do not take offence please. Just find when guys enter the race it becomes crazy. I get hit in the face had them swim under me. They wipe out on the bikes at the finish line because they wait to that last moment to stop. I am not saying all guys are like that but in the races that I been in and watch it was crazy. When it is just the girls you don't get that. maybe hit in the water but no one swims under you.  I wish you luck with the races. Let me know how you do. What is your strong event and what is the one event you are weak in. I am weak in the bike. Swim and run I am even.

on 5/30/16 7:27 pm - MA

I did a sprint tri last year. Planning on doing 2 of same this year. Agreed guys are ruthless!! No worries as I am just St trying to enjoy the experience!!

Yours in WLS Journey,

Bill Mac

on 5/30/16 7:45 pm - Canada

Enjoy have fun and let me know how you do

on 5/31/16 8:43 am

This weekend I did a "run," the first 5 miles had 3500ft. elevation gain.  It sucked so bad.


Monday-Played some golf.  Felt good to get back out there.

Tuesday-7 mile run on flat.  Felt like I was floating compared to mountain stuff.

Wednesday-5mile run

Thursday-8x400m hill repeats with warm up and cool down totaling 4 miles.


Saturday-16 mile trail run

Sunday-5 mile trail run

VSG:  3/12/15

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