Rowing Machine

on 4/13/16 2:19 pm
RNY on 03/01/16

I just bought my rowing machine and I couldn't be more excited. I already have a treadmill, a kettle bell and resistance bands. I think the row machine will really help me to get out of this plateau I've been in for the last few weeks. Now if I can only get some motivation to work out more. 

I am extremely lazy and seem to talk myself out of more workouts than I do. Any tips or tricks that helped you?


HW: 394 SW: 359 GW: 187


on 4/14/16 12:04 pm - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
On April 13, 2016 at 9:19 PM Pacific Time, MelodyMay wrote:

I just bought my rowing machine and I couldn't be more excited. I already have a treadmill, a kettle bell and resistance bands. I think the row machine will really help me to get out of this plateau I've been in for the last few weeks. Now if I can only get some motivation to work out more. 

I am extremely lazy and seem to talk myself out of more workouts than I do. Any tips or tricks that helped you?

You'll probably think I'm crazy and that's OK. 

Get one of those nature Cd's with the sound of water and birds and peep toads.  Maybe a nature scented candle like pine or something and turn your rowing into an adventure.  Pretend your rowing down some river in the Rockies or someplace.  Rowing away and listening to nature. 

It would be relaxing, calming, and you would be getting in your exercise.

For me my motivation is my horses.  As of right now I can ride them with ease and that makes me want to continue my morning exercise routine. 

You can do this.

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 4/14/16 1:37 pm

The biggest thing for me when it came to consistency was finding something I actually enjoyed.  I HATE lifting weights.  I HATE dvd workouts like yoga and those beach body things.  My ass HATES riding a bike.  But I tried them all.  I finally found that I LIKE running.  So that's what I do.  I still try to talk myself into doing some yoga or strength training, but when I talk myself out of it I don't worry.  I go for a run.  Try a bunch of different stuff and stick to the one(s) you actually enjoy.  A lot easier to do things you actually want to do.

VSG:  3/12/15

(deactivated member)
on 4/15/16 11:26 am - GA

Hello Melody. I applaud you for seeking help from the community. As a personal trainer for over 10 years I have encountered many people who have the same issues/concerns as you when it comes to exercising. There as several things you may consider.

  1. Read this blog I wrote:  Exercise-Stop The BS and Just Get It Done. one/ It should really motivate and encourage you.
  2. Find someone who will provide some type of accountability. Not someone who you know will understand and be compassionate about every excuse you provide for not working out. Someone who will tell you like it is.
  3. If possible hire a personal trainer and purchase a minimum 5-10 package of sessions. It's easy to stop if you only purchase 1 or 2 sessions. Once you spend the money that's motivation to continue.
  4. Do a proven, structured system. I am not familiar with your exercise knowledge but if its not extensive please don't try to wing it and figure it out. It will not work. Usually all fitness DVDs/exercise equipment works if you follow them to the "T" but you have to find the one that works for you. There are many fitness programs available from P90x, Insanity, Chair-A-Cise (my favorite), Tae-bo, etc. but determine what fits your capabilities and what you think you can realistically do. You already have fitness equipment at home which has different programs on it. Do those instead of getting on it and just riding.
  5. Last, at the end of the day  even if you incorporate all the tips I just gave you unless you bust your butt and put in the hard work day in and day out its not going to work. Losing weight or reaching your exercise goal is hard work period. There are no magic words a friend, trainer, doctor, spouse or someone in this community can say that's going to make it easier. For those that are up to the task the eating right and exercise will eventually pay off. Millions of other people have taken the challenge and succeeded despite the hard work. On the other hand millions of others continue to remain the same and not put forth maximum effort. Which will you be?

If you need advice, motivation, encouragement and are serious about exercising read my posts which I will be doing frequently or just send me a message and I will do what I can to assist you. Have a great day. 


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