Fall Fitness Giveaway, $293 Value

on 11/20/15 12:50 pm

Hello, I'm a 9-1-1 Supervisor and my favorite way to stay active is to walk, I'm running around like crazy at work and up and down stairs.  I also like to dance and will be starting Zumba next week - yay!!!  I feel like I walk about 10 miles a day but I'm not sure since I don't have a pedometer at this time.  I had my WLS in 2002 and lost 247lbs, I gained about 75 back after my hysterectomy and I'm almost back at my goal again (at least I think I am, I saved a couple outfits when I started gaining and I'm almost comfortably back in them again).  Anyway, thanks in advance if I win!  

on 11/20/15 1:13 pm

My favorite way to stay active is to do yoga at home.  It is good for me physically and mentally. 


on 11/20/15 1:13 pm

My favorite way to stay active is to do yoga at home.  It is good for me physically and mentally. 


on 11/20/15 1:52 pm - FL
on 11/20/15 1:55 pm - FL

I walk my dog at least 3-5 miles every morning and garden.  It's good for my dog, my yard and me.

on 11/20/15 4:52 pm

I have to be honest,  there are lots of things I could say to try and impress, including after being overweight my entire life, finally being able to run - truly run and loving every bit of it.


But the truth is, the thing that keeps me most active?  Being 44 years old and chasing around my 4 year old.  Because after 15 years of trying, I FINALLY got pregnant (after I stopped trying!!) and gave birth just barely shy of my 40th birthday.  Then adding my 20 month old grand daughter into the mix,  the two keep me youthful.  (My step-daughter is 26).   My son keeps me active, trying to keep up with him and keeping him active as well.  I'm so scared of him being stuck behind a TV or game, that I keep him moving with me.  We dance workout with his WII together, he does workouts with me, makes me chase him to run, we take Karate together.  Rolling around on the floor, play westling, walking the dogs together.  Running around at the park together. 


And I wouldn't change it for the world.


Jennifer O'Connell


on 11/20/15 5:39 pm - Las Vegas, NV

My favorite way to stay active is crossfit!!! Its always something new every day, it keeps you motivated an on-track and its fun. The community is unbelievably supportive and encouraging. 


on 11/20/15 5:40 pm

I love 5k's

on 11/20/15 8:17 pm - Dunkirk, NY

My favorite way to stay active is to hike in the woods with my girls.   Jumping on the trampoline is a close second.   

on 11/20/15 9:18 pm

My favorite way to stay active is just getting out in the freezing cold and walking after bundling up my bundle of joy my 1.5 year old son. I gained a good amount of weight after he was born, not to much while pregnant so getting him out and about and my body moving feels great. I climb stairs a lot in my house due to all the bedrooms being upstairs, and come this winter when it is to cold etc I am going to Zumba on my wii I LOVE ZUMBA.


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