Fall Fitness Giveaway, $293 Value
I have lost 100 pounds, my favorite exercise is walking. It's could physically as well as emotionally. I always wanted a fitbit but never could afford it. It would be a blessing to win this package. It would be a great motivator to lose the rest of the weight I need to take off.
Because I am disabled and cannot stand without support and therefore my exercise options are limited Walking is my favorite exercise and because I live in the north I have to be creative. On nice days I live on a paved road and can walk there and when the weather is to bad I am fortunate to live in a small town with an excellent community center.
Since having my hip replaced last year I found I gained some of my weight back, VERY upsetting to me because I have been able to keep it off for the past 5.5 years. I have begun using a Bosu ball routine and walking (I can no longer run, just not comfortable anymore) This is going to be a very long process but no journey ever started out easy..............
I have never looked back on my decision to have gastric bypass with regret. BEST decision I have ever made formyself.